Like so many other things in life, it is an unfortunate reality that exercise is not, and never has been, a one-size-fits-all.
Some people need to work harder to burn calories because their metabolism is slower. Some people can build muscle by looking at a pair of weights (joking!).
Some people follow different diets to achieve the desired results from their exercise regimen. We know about Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Nutritarian...I could go on. Everyone’s bodies metabolize certain things similarly.
BUT, that does not mean that our bodies metabolize nutrients the exact same way. My metabolism could be much slower or faster than yours, meaning our necessary caloric intake and diet could look vastly different. Wearable technology continues to bring innovative opportunities to monitor our health, providing clues to our best workout, our best diet—our best life.
Like exercise, the look of wearable technology should not be a “one size fits all.”
At Interlokit, our patented accessories provide unique options for all brands of “life-tracking” smart devices so you can stylishly, comfortably stay connected. Our mix-and-match wearable accessories encourage even the most reluctant smart device user to explore the health benefits of wearable tech.
Why not look like YOU as you capitalize on the trove of information wearable tech has to offer?
If you feel healthy, you feel happy. Interlokit understands looking your best also helps you to feel your best. Monitoring active lifestyles does not need to be uncomfortable or unattractive. Interlokit’s patented solutions were designed to make people comfortable about using wearable tech AND while wearing wearable tech.
With Interlokit’s ConcealSmart™ accessories for hidden wearable technology, the wearable tech you choose can blend into the workout clothes you sweat in at the gym and help you feel more and more in sync with your body and its everyday tasks.
It’s exercise with a silver lining.
At Interlokit, we don’t make the wearable technology—we make it personal!